> Caltabellotta - Caltabellotta

Picturesque town of 7,000 inhabitants situated on the ridge of a high rocky outcrop (950 m.) The top of which stands the Norman castle said of "Sybil". Viewpoint of the most beautiful in the province, from the cliff you can see the southern Sicilian coast from Marsala to Agrigento and across the valley dotted with Vegetables many countries. On winter nights the country white with snow and illuminated by light curtains, takes the shape of a large magic crib suspended in the fog.

Caltabellotta has ancient origins and is, some argue, perhaps mistakenly, on the site of the ancient home of the legendary King Camycus Sican Kokalos. And 'it established here instead of at the end of the second sec.aC Triokala arose, the city of slaves. The place was destroyed by the Romans and later occupied by the Arabs who called it Kal'at al-Ballut (Fortress of the Oaks). Occupied by Count Roger in 1090, he saw the rebuilding of the castle by the Normans. Here it was signed the "peace of Caltabellotta" between Frederick of Aragon and Charles of Valois 19 April 1302 at the end of the war of the Vespers between Angevin and Aragonese, which recognized the first supremacy over Sicily.
Monuments to visit

Remarkable artistic and historical heritage preserved in its churches. At the center of the village, in the square UmbertoI, ahead, on the one hand, the City Hall and on the other, the Church of the Carmine; The church houses the Madonna delle Grazie, statue of Gaggini.


Going up to the oldest part, you reach the old Mother Church, Lady of the Assumption in 1330, located on the beautiful green valley.

At the foot of the cliff Gogala, is the Church of St. Augustine presents a fourteenthcentury of which are also the little portal side and the gothic bell tower; on the façade is a large Baroque doorway. Inside there is a group of painted earthenware, the work of Ferraro.

Going up a staircase carved in the rock, you reach the ruins of the castle, in a beautiful location overlooking the surrounding area. Built on a hill 200 meters high, in the twelfth century to protect the surrounding areas, first it belonged to the Peralta family and then to the powerful family of the Moon.

The Necropolis Sicane. The territory of Caltabellotta is rich tombs Sican which are shown along the rocky gorges of the city, some of them are of great architectural value


Not to be missed

Visit the Hermitage of San Pellegrino

It was the home to the death of Bishop Santo, who, according to popular tradition, liberated the city from the dragon that fed on human flesh. The sanctuary consists of two caves, a monastery and a church.