
   Center of Muslim origin, Cammarata has a history and a life revolving around the Castle with its seven towers was impregnable. In fact at the time of Bartolomeo Aragona troops Bernardo Cabrera after three months of trying, they were forced to abandon the site. In 1087 the castle had to yield to the forces of Count Ruggero after the conquest sold it to a relative, Lucia Altavilla, who took the title Dominae Camaratae.     Cammarata, and thus the twin city of San Giovanni Gemini (certainly unique and unusual is the story of two centers: glued to one another, even wit...

San Giovanni Gemini
  A 57 Km from Agrigento, in the field of higher Sicani Mountains, on the slopes of Monte Cammarata is San Giovanni Gemini the twin town of Cammarata. San Giovanni Gemini arose when it became necessary to build new houses after the earthquake of 1537. It became autonomous June 9, 1587 and, later that year, Philip II of Spain chose it as the duchy. Monuments to visit  In the center are, on the wide Nazareth overlooking the Cathedral Church dedicated to St. John the Baptist, whose construction began at the end of '500 and ended around 1610. Simple enough in his system it is charac...

Santo Stefano Quisquina
      Inland from Agrigento, about 732 meters from the sea level, surrounded by the beautiful woods of Sicani mountains, lies the village of Santo Stefano Quisquina, became famous for their history has been intertwined with that of Santa Rosalia. Founded by the Arabs, the first chronicles some of the history of this small town date back to 1279, when it was dedicated to St. Stephen. Subsequently, the estate passed to a barony to another, until the arrival of the noble Ventimiglia family who knew how to give the small town a significant population growth and construction. Th...

Dominated by Mount Rose, one of the highest peaks of the mountains and lush Sicilian, is Bivona.Although its foundation is the subject of debate among historians who would accredit the foundation and Syracuse, and others to the Arabs, the first historical documents of the site date back to 1160 in the days of King Roger II and his successors William I and William II when Bivona It was a simple house inhabited by Muslims. However, it is very likely that they are right both the supporters of the two theses as it may be true that the first settlements of the place may have been founded by the S...

Alessandria Della Rocca
Alessandria della Rocca is a small town of 5,000 inhabitants whose main resource is constituted from the cultivation of olive groves and almond orchards that copronola surrounding valley. In ancient times the natural resources of the area have favored the settlement of Sican populations, whose presence is testified by a large archaeological heritage consists mainly of rock tombs with semi-circular or rectangular openings that extend between Cozzo Grotticelle and Mount Lurdichella. The foundation of the city center took place in 1570 thanks to Charles Barresi and originally its name was Alexa...

San Biagio Platani
One of the steps required for those coming to Sicily and Agrigento, especially during Easter, is San Biagio Platani. The city center, set on a hill overlooking the great valleys where the rivers Platani and Turvoli, rose in 1635 by Giovanni Battista Gerardi who managed to get the licentia populandi and allowed the small settlement was born around a small church to start to develop gradually. Today it has a population of about 5000 inhabitants mainly dedicated to agriculture. The productions are most appreciated pistachio, olive oil, almonds and oranges.        The funda...

Sant'Angelo Muxaro
  The small town has just over 2,000 inhabitants and is situated on top of a hill where many claim arose the ancient and mythical city of Camicos built by Daedalus and seat of the Sican king Kokalos. Indeed Sant'Angelo, as evidenced by the vast necropolis which has been subject to numerous excavations, has an ancient history and it is certain that the surrounding area was inhabited in the late Bronze Age, as artifacts dating probably around 1200 / 1300 BC They are still found in the tombs in the circular room with a domed ceiling (called tholos) scattered throughout the district. Here it...

Santa Elisabetta
  Small town, founded in 1670 by the aristocratic family of the Montaperto. Recent finds in the hills behind the town of Keli, have allowed us to ensure that the area was already quite inhabited in the 1st millennium BC   Monuments to visit In the main street of the village you can admire the ceramic panels representing the cycle of work in the fields and the Mother Church rebuilt in the eighteenth century.   Not to be missed Mount Guastanella – Guastanella Castle The mountain, which has a projection of about 250 meters on the surrounding mountains, is a chalky h...