
  At 16 Km from Agrigento, on sparti waters between the rivers of Canne and Akragas: Raffadali, mainly agricultural center, born, as confirmed by the Arabic origin of the name (Rahl-fadil), on an ancient Muslim settlement. Nonetheless, the foundation of Raffadali was dated by historians at the beginning of the sixteenth century by the noble Pietro Montaperto. Monuments to visit Among the monuments we remind the sixteenth century Church dedicated to Our Lady of the Sick which houses a Roman sarcophagus decorated with scenes of the Rape of Proserpine and the Church of St. Joseph. &nbs...

  Cianciana is a small town located on a hill in a little less than 400 m. height from which you can also see the sea of ​​Agrigento.Historians date the name of this small town existence of an ancient Roman villa "Villa Chincana" built by some noble patrician from the distant Rome near the site where today insists the town, this thesis, confirmed by the discovery in the area of ​​archaeological finds. Chincana later expanded to become a small village destined, however, to be destroyed in the fourteenth century. The true origins of the town are located but in the seventeenth cen...

    The center, founded in 1698 by Diego Tagliavia Aragon, was one of the hardest hit by the disastrous earthquake of 1968. Severely damaged were its monuments such as the Mother Church. Castle built by Frederick II of a previous Arab fort and around which Menfi has developed, is in a state of restoration.   Monuments to visit There are several points of interest that can visit one another at Memphis. We find religious architecture, civil and military, and there are plenty of archaeological sites. Among the religious architecture may include the Mother Church St. Anthony...

Santa Margherita di Belice
    Founded in 1572 by a family member Corbera on the site of the old Arab fortress Manzil el Siudi. It was destroyed by the earthquake of 1968 which changed the look. . Many eighteenth-century buildings have been restored today and make beautiful displays in the center of the country. But the reputation of the country is linked to the Park of the Leopard and, in particular is known for the careful and meticulous description Tomasi di Lampedusa did in the novel "The Leopard". Monuments to visit The Park of the Leopard housed in the restored Palazzo Filanceri belonged to the Pri...

    Montevago also, like most of the towns in the Valle del Belice destroyed by the terrible earthquake of '68, was able to rise from the rubble. With new buildings and new architectural structures has given back life to the village recreating the history and the social fabric of a piece of Sicily so battered by natural events. Today Montevago is able to contact a tourism type of spa. The new, modern complex hydrothermal dell'Acquapia is in fact a few kilometers from the town.   Monuments to visit It may be interesting to visit the new town, to observe the architectural s...

Sambuca Sicily
  Sambuca di Sicilia is located on a hill slopes down near the Natural Reserve Monte Genuardo and Santa Maria del Bosco (north) and Lake Orange (south): two real attractions, (see related structures), for nature lovers and quiete.Sambuca of Sicily, where you can still admire an intact example of Islamic urbanism, was founded in 827 by the Emir Zabuth (splendid) and the whole past offers visitors the picturesque streets and neighborhoods Saracens, whose expressions lives are there seven vaneddi (seven lanes Arabs). I am a intrecarsi of streets and lanes that branch off from the rema...

  The town shows its origins in the Saracen type of urban structure. The story of its foundation has given rather anecdotal. However, it seems that it was founded after the year 1000 on the ruins of the ancient city of sicana Scirtea. Later conquered by the Muslims during their expansion in Sicily, which was later taken over by the Normans defeated the emir Hamud. With as many as 19 churches and two castles Burgio has a great artistic heritage especially if viewed in relation to its territory, it is truly remarkable.   Monuments to visit The road structure demonstrates the mediev...

      Founded in 1630 by Luigi Guglielmo Moncada on the site of "Allava", the current name is derived from that of Maria Afan de Ribera wife of the founder. Ancient feud, whose territtorio belonged to the town of Caltabellotta, after various vicissitudes of history, the end of '800 had a remarkable economic and socio-cultural. Ribera was born in 1818 to Francesco Crispi, the distinguished statesman who was also Chairman of the Board in 1887. Monuments to visitOf particular interest are the numerous churches, including that of Purgatory richly decorated with fine stucco....